Office buldings – CEA Cadarache, France
Expert opinion on the possibility to consider a seismic behavior coefficient (reducing seismic spectrum) for office buildings after a structural strengthening, in order to justify their resistance at several seismic levels, in the elastic field of materials.
Technical support in order to obtain CSTB’s certificaion : walls made of wood-cement chipboard panels + thermal insulation. Check and design of the whole range of products for application in seismic areas.
Thermo-preslab (RECTOR)
Technical support in order to obtain CSTB’s certificaion for RECTO thermo-preslab : thermal isolation of floor with balcony edges, design seismic calcultations.
Grand Stade of Lille Métropole (EIFFAGE)
Assessement of the seismic sollicitation consequences on the structural element design (reinforced concrete and steel structure).
Ductal/Termédia precast panels (LAFARGE)
Design studies for panels intended to individual housing construction. These panels are made of a shell of Ductal concrete mechanically connected to a Thermedia understructre. The study mainly focused on the design and the optimisation of the process taking into account the structural characteristics of the external Ductal shell as a bracing element under seismic and wind loads.
3D thermo-hydraulic modeling : assessment of water and steam pressures in the ground porous environment to value the flow, leakage and risks of hydraulic fracturing
Quality assessment of the 2D (axisymmetrical or plan) simulations results from a ground massif section and exothermic material storage site
Modeling of the seismic behavior of two adjacent buildings – Expertise of several collision scenarios (expansion joint filled or not filled)
Assess the harmfulness of the two buildings collision taking into account several hypotheses defining the expansion joint : empty, filled with concrete, filled with polystyrene (several elasticity modulus). Study of a strenghtening solution based on linking the two building with dampers.
Capitalization and harmonization of tools for numerical simulation
Encourage the qualification and validation of simulation tools in civil engineering
Create an experimental and numerical data base for calculation in civil engineering
Formulation and implementation of a constitutive relastionship allowing to take into account the friction between concrete and ground materials (NECS R&D).